
How to Fight off Gum Disease

One of the more scary issues when it comes to our oral health care is gum disease. Tooth loss and throat cancer are associated gum disease. Even some cases of heart disease are linked to periodontitis. No matter how scary this is, gum disease is one of the most easily preventable diseases adults are currently

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Floss Away Your Tooth Decay

Did you know that dental floss is often the most overlooked part of a person’s oral hygiene habits? It’s true because people tend to think that brushing their teeth is enough to keep their teeth clean or they simply don’t leave themselves enough time for the extra two minutes of flossing per day that are

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Take Advantage of Fluoride for a Top-Notch Oral Health

Our dental team wants you to have a strong and healthy smile, but in order to help you achieve that goal, we need to encourage you to keep tooth decay, enamel erosion, and other dental issues away from your chompers. If you do so, you can have the top-notch oral health you deserve. One trick

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Gingivitis: The Earliest Stage of Gum Disease

Do you have tender, red, swollen, or bleeding gums? If you have any of these symptoms, you may have gingivitis. But do you know what gingivitis actually is? It’s actually the earliest stage of gum disease, and if it isn’t addressed, it can develop into something much more serious. Fortunately, there are several things you

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Helpful Insights on First-Aid and Treatment Measures for a Cracked Tooth

While it’s rare, there are certain instances that can cause a crack in one of your teeth. When this happens, the trauma can sometimes be significant. Providing quality first aid helps improve your treatment options and treatment success. The depth and severity of the crack will directly determine the course of treatment that your dentist,

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A Bridge Restoration Can Replace a Knocked-Out Tooth

Having a tooth knocked out often causes severe trauma to the tooth as well as the gums and socket that once held it in place. This usually results in the total loss of the tooth, and your dentists, Drs. McKinley and McKinley-Holloway, will need to extract any remnants before suturing the gums. Later, they might

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When Should You Brush Your Teeth?

Brushing your teeth is extremely important for the health of your gums, teeth, and even plays a role in the health of your whole body. While the practice is now quite common, would you be surprised to learn that there are a few things many of us could do better when it comes to brushing?

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Dentures and Their Many Benefits

The dentists at [practice_name] want to craft you the smile you’ve been dreaming of. With all the options in cosmetic dentistry available to you, it’s important to remember that dentures are still considered one of the most desirable. They are removable and usually painless if used correctly. Even if you only have a few missing

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Desensitizing Toothpaste Is Not an Effective Treatment Strategy

Many people describe tooth sensitivity as a pain or a stinging discomfort when they consume hot, cold, sweet or acidic foods and beverages. While you might be able to mitigate tooth sensitivity with special formulated toothpastes and lifestyle modifications, it is still wise to identify the underlying cause of the problem. In many cases, tooth

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Gold Fillings for Cavities

While most cavities are detected during your dental checkup with your dentist, Dr. [doctor_name], you should also watch out for them yourself. If you notice a change in your tooth’s texture or tooth sensitivity between dental checkups, you should not procrastinate with having it examined. With timely treatment, most cavities can be repaired with a

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